New singer for Picture

Ronald van Prooijen

It is with sadness that we have to say goodbye to Ronald van Prooijen as singer of our band. Due to personal circumstances he will no longer be able to put enough time and effort in the band. We are however very grateful for the years we worked together and thank Ronald for the excitement and professionalism he brought to help Picture with our new gained success since 2016. We will miss him and his phenomenal stage presence.

Phoenix Reborn

Of course, this will not be the end of Picture. We will go on with a new lead singer: the Italian heavy metal vocalist Phoenix Reborn. We have met him through Appie’s Iron Maiden tribute band “IJzeren Maagden” where he is also the lead singer.

After one rehearsal we knew he was our man. He is very happy to join us and take his own musical career one step further. Picture welcomes him with great excitement, and you can expect equally great shows very soon.